We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behavior in the game. As a staff member of the Internationals Soccer Club, our coaches are representing one of the top girls’ soccer organizations in the country. We expect a great deal of them and take great pride in how they represent the club – on the field, and in public.
In addition to adhering to the ISC Code of Conduct and FIFA Fair-Play Code, our coaches will:
- Lead by example and with passion, love and respect!
- Enforce of all club policies, procedures, rules, regulations, including the philosophy of the Club
- Attend all scheduled club coaches meetings, including special meetings called by the Director of Coaching (DOC)
- At no time, handle any team or club funds, including the maintenance of bank accounts or accounting records
- Work with the Club Directors on player selection for rosters
- Work with the Club Directors to determine club team tactics and formations
- Implement training techniques and curriculum in accordance with the format developed by the DOCs
- Determinine playing positions
- Determinine playing time
- Recruit players within the State Association guidelines
- Work with the DOC to select tournaments in which the team will play
- Secure substitute coach, with the guidance of the DOC, if for any reason the coach is unable to attend a game/practice
- Keep good communication with the DOC on all matters